Stockholm day 2

I love Stockholm so much, that the cold doesn't even bother me. I now wish I had gone to grad school here when I was accepted a few years ago. I will definitely have to come back in the summer, the islands seem filled with magical places for camping. Today I visited the vasamuseet (easily the most incredible museum I've been to in years...check it out online), junibaken (Astrid Lindgren exhibit...she wrote pippi long stocking, one of my most favorite characters from childhood), the Nordic museum and Waldemarsudde, then finished the day off with a bit of shopping at h&m (I couldn't resist, sadly it's not at all different from the us) and dinner at my new friend, Anna's house. I've met so many interesting people on this trip so far, and Anna and her family were no exception, we had a delightful night of conversation and yummy food, while they enlightened me on daily Swedish life. I cant imagine a more perfect night.